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"Frankie," Short Film


"While grieving her recently deceased brother and contemplating death, a distant Frankie offers a surreal -and at times manic- glimpse into her psyche and her existential meanderings."

Owen wrote the original screenplay for "Frankie," a coming of age story about a girl learning to cope with the death of her brother while navigating the complicated landscape of high school. Owen wrote the script in 2019, just before the pandemic, as part of a scriptwriting course at Temple University. the script was chosen to be produced the following semester as part of a Producing and Directing course. 

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"Frankie," Short Film
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Irish Dancing Magazine

Owen was hired by Irish Dancing Magazine as a free-lance interviewer and video producer for the CLRG World Championships in 2019. He conducted interviews with champions throughout the week as well as performed sound and lighting duties.

Interviewer and Editor

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Owen Luebbers Portfolio

Owen Luebbers Portfolio

Amy Mae Dolan Interview (for Irish Dancing Magazine, April 2019)

Camelia Rose Interview (for Irish Dancing Magazine)

Codie Shiels Mindset (for Irish Dancing Magazine)

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Owen has loved YouTube as a storytelling medium since he was a kid. He was inspired by the likes of Casey Neistat and Elle Mills, among other YouTubers that treat their videos like films. He began vlogging while in college, when he was travelling almost every weekend for various Irish Dance performances and competitions etc. Vlogging was an emotional and creative outlet while also acting as practice in music supervision and video editing.

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